

24小时服务热线:15965062866 刘 经理

24小时服务热线:15965060566 王 经理







1. 售前
1.1 客户到久捷网站(www.sdjiujie.com)查询需要了解的相关信息。
1.2 客户通过电话、传真、邮件等方式向久捷销售部门了解更详细的情况,或向所在地区久捷经销代理商咨询相关信息。
1.3 相互沟通后,久捷的专业人员会在约定时间内提供更详细的资料及技术方案供客户参考、确认。
1.4 可安排客户就近考察久捷产品的使用情况。
1.5 久捷技术人员到客户现场协助勘察、设计矿区规划图或老矿的改造方案并及时提供可行性报告。
2. 售中
2.1 客户与经销 / 代理商洽谈签约或直接到潍坊久捷机电设备有限公司考察、洽谈、签约。
2.2 按合同要求保质、保量、准时交货,及时提供矿区平面布置图和设备基础图,及时解答客户在筹建过程中遇到的技术难题。
2.3 可代办托运。设备安全运抵目的地后,派技术人员到现场指导安装、调试,培训操作人员,直至达标达产,客户满意为止。
2.4 提供矿山管理规章制度产品样本,协助客户建立健全矿山管理制度。
3. 售后
3.1 定期回访,了解设备使用情况,向客户介绍电磁产品新技术、新动向。
3.2 保修期内接到客户的故障电话,1小时内提供解决方案,需派人员的在24小时内到达现场,协助排故直至恢复正常生产为止。
3.3 确保客户备品配件的及时供应。
3.4 对使用久捷电磁产品的用户实行终身服务。
3.5 对久捷销售、售后服务人员及经销代理网点派出的人员,如有不满意之处,可直接拨打投诉电话:400-602-2267欢迎对久捷提出建设性的合理化建议,我们会给予一定奖励。




The user is always right
"Highlight a shortcut."
"To ensure a quality,
"Implementation of a satisfactory",
    To provide customers with a real intimate service that truly allows the user to feel the "buy the long McNair product is to buy quality, buy the product of long Jie is to buy the rest assured, buy long McNair is to buy affordable, buy the the long McNair product is to buy satisfaction.
    Long McNair, according to the law of development of market economy, to explore, cultivate a good moral character and high technical quality and disciplined services team. Spirit "to make customer satisfaction our eternal commitment to customer profitability is our ultimate goal!" Service concept, they long years of back and forth at the ends of the earth, patience, work and solve problems for users, allowing customers to truly experience the product of buy long Jie both the Heart and rest assured!
1. Pre-
1.1 customers to the long Jie site (www.sdjiujie.com) query need to know information.
1.2 customers through telephone, fax, mail and other means to long-Czech sales department for more detailed information or consultation to the area for a long time Czech dealers and agents.
1.3 to communicate with each other for a long time McNair professionals within the agreed time to provide more detailed information and technology solutions for customers reference to confirm.
1.4 can arrange for customers nearby to examine the use of products of long Jie.
1.5 for a long time Czech technical personnel to the customer site to assist the investigation, the design of the mine plan or the old mine rehabilitation programs and timely delivery of the feasibility report.
2 for sale
2.1 The Client contract negotiations with distributor / agents or directly to the inspection of the the Weifang long Czech Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd., negotiate, and contracted.
2.2 shelf life in accordance with contract requirements, the full amount, on time delivery, timely provision of the mining area floor plan and equipment, base map, and timely answers to technical problems encountered by customers during construction.
2.3 consignment agent. Equipment safety to its destination, send technical personnel to the scene to guide the installation, commissioning, training of operators, until the standards of production and customer satisfaction.
2.4 to provide the mining rules and regulations "sample, to help customers establish and improve mine management system.
3 pianos
3.1 regular visits, to understand the equipment, electromagnetic products, new technologies, new trends introduced to the customer.
3.2 The warranty period to receive the customer's fault telephone, to provide solutions within one hour, need to send personnel within 24 hours to arrive at the scene to assist in troubleshooting until the resumption of normal production.
3.3 To ensure the timely supply of spare parts of the customer.
3.4 of electromagnetic products with long Jie user to pursue life-long service.
3.5 pairs of long Jie sales, service personnel and personnel sent by the sales agent network, if not wholly satisfied, direct dial complaints Tel :400 -602-2267 welcome constructive rationalization proposals put forward on the long Jie, we will give some reward.          


